Thank you for visiting Iowa Native Trees and Shrubs. We have grown native plants in central Iowa since 2008, when owner Mike Bevins wanted to grow trees in a different way than is traditionally used in the nursery industry. His history working as the state horticulturalist of Iowa presented him with different opportunities to learn and opinions on how to grow trees, including Carl Whitcomb's patented air root pruning technique which he uses today. More information on the way we grow trees can be found here. Mike is an avid outdoorsman who is passionate about trees and strawberries, and loves fishing for walleye in Canada.

Zach Burhenn joined the team in Spring 2016 after graduating from the Forestry program at ISU. He met Mike at a Society of American Foresters field day at INT&S and they have been great friends and worked together since. Zach is a hardworking tree-loving guy and has loved to talk and learn about trees ever since he planted his first for Arbor Day as a child. He enjoys working in his market garden, climbing, fly-fishing in NE Iowa, and being a naturalist.